- Was that cool last night or what!!
- That was the craziest storm I've EVER seen here in California!
- That was AWESOME!!!
- It woke me right up! Very nice to get a real weather event like that ... since all we ever have here is perfect and 70's.
- My dog was shivering in bed with me, but it wasnt cold. She was freaked out with the thunder.
- It sounded like God was mad and stomping on the floors when the thunder would happen. That was the scariest night i've had in a long time.
- I was scared to my teeth...
- My camera loving grandson who just turned three woke up and was scared until we told him to "smile real big, cause God was taking pictures!!" He loved it!!
- That was awesome last nite!!! the freaken thunder was making my house rattle...
- Air is smelling sweet now. Good ol' summer storms. I love them.
- I was scared, too. Can't help it! Me and my dogs shook together.
- It's mother nature at her BEST!
En dan was het nog zo erg niet. Maar eerlijk, 'k heb toch ook liggen luisteren, in een diepe slaap eventjes wakker geworden, ogen half open gedaan maar gerust weer verder geslapen. In Belgie kon ik ook wel genieten van zo'n nachtelijk onweer, veilig en warm in bed, als het maar niet te erg was natuurlijk. En de kinderen? Die slapen zoals gewoonlijk overal door, behalve Catherine die bij een vriendinnetje bleef slapen en daar al de heisa heeft meegemaakt.